Does Elkhart County need a “destination” park?
Do we need more and better walking and bicycling connections between our neighborhoods, downtowns and parks?
Would contests and prizes bring more volunteers out for our community events?
At Vibrant Vibes workshops March 1-3, 2022, in Elkhart, Goshen, Nappanee, Middlebury, Wakarusa, Bristol and Millersburg, dozens of ideas for quality-of-place projects, programs and events were championed (some loudly!).
Enthusiastic residents crowded around tables to voice their hopes for the next few years and beyond.
Do you have an idea that will top them all?
Through an online form or a virtual Zoom workshop (or even by hosting your own “meeting in a box,” you can make sure your ideas are part of the conversation.
We’re taking ideas through the end of March. Then we’re going to go through everything we’ve heard and that people have submitted and come back in June with a report and a chance to weigh in on the top ideas.
I wasn’t able to participate in the workshops.
Holland, Michigan has a fantastic movie theater downtown that really draws crowds.
We used to have a movie theater downtown when I first moved here.
Movies always draw people!